Yhtiöesitys 28.09.2023


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1. volyymitoimitus vuoden lopulla: naisille suunnatut älysormukset

"On schedule to start volume deliveries this year to supplier of health rings for women"

Suoria lainauksia pääinsinööriltä (aikaisemman tiedon mukaan - META):

'ENSU sijoittuu parhaaseen ryhmään 5/150... Kehityksen jatkuessa voimme vakiinnuttaa molempia tyydyttävän taloudellisen kumppanuuden.'

“Having worked in (and followed) the battery space over the last 20 years, you must have seen it all. It would be great to get your take on where we are. “ 

“I have been responsible for the research and evaluation of about 150 battery technology
companies, and we have ended up “investing” in only ten of them. Of those ten I would say
five are long shots, and five have a reasonable degree of success.” 

“Ensurge falls into the latter category. What sets you apart is your reasonable and practical technology roadmap, devoid of any reliance on mystical or unattainable concepts. By steadfastly adhering to the use of stainless steel and employing a meticulous architecture and stacking process, Ensurge has significantly increased the likelihood of meeting our performance and timing requirements” 

"Provided a continuous progress as scheduled it will open up an opportunity for us to establish a mutually beneficial financial partnership.” 

Kehityssuuntia: vaihe 1: vakaa talous; vaihe 2: tekninen kehitys, mm.

2-3X suurempi energiatiheys

uusia substraatteja 

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Ohutkalvo- vs. kolikkoakku
